The Journey of a Hospice Volunteer: Susan Martinolich

April has been a month of gratitude and celebration at our hospice, where we’ve dedicated each day to honoring the incredible individuals who volunteer their time and hearts to our patients. As National Volunteer Month draws to a close, we are thrilled to spotlight another extraordinary volunteer, Susan Martinolich, from our Bullhead City, Arizona program.
Susan’s story is one of profound dedication and love. She visits with patients like Georgette, featured in the picture, once a week at an assisted living facility in Bullhead City. For Susan, these visits are the highlights of her week, enriching her life as much as she enriches the lives of those she serves. Having felt a calling to this kind of service in her thirties, Susan knew that this was her path, especially after retiring and becoming a widow. She considers herself blessed to be healthy and capable enough to dedicate her time to seven patients weekly.
Her journey is filled with powerful moments of connection. Each visit allows her to share in the joys and sorrows of her patients as they recount the vibrant stories of their past adventures and the quiet, slower pace of their current lives. They share precious photographs and memories, and in these exchanges, Susan finds her own life enriched.
Susan feels deeply thankful to be able to touch the lives of those who are often struggling to get through each day. These patients are constantly in her heart and prayers, and she is grateful for the guidance that helps her minister to them in their final days and hours.
Susan embodies our ‘Care for Who I am’ philosophy and her commitment to our mission—to advance well-being and honor quality of life through compassionate care—is unwavering. Her story is a testament to the profound impact that compassionate volunteering can have on both the volunteer and those they assist.
If Susan’s dedication has inspired you, we invite you to visit us at here. Learn more about how you can make a significant difference in the lives of our patients and their families by sharing your time and compassionate caring. Let’s continue to celebrate the true heart of our hospice program—not just during Volunteer Month but every day.