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Compassus Reunites Patient With Wife On Valentine’s Day

BEDFORD, N.H. – The Compassus program serving Bedford, New Hampshire, granted a hospice patient’s wish on Valentine’s Day with help from the Hospice Help Foundation, a community resource that provides financial assistance to hospice patients and families who have no other support to call upon at the end of life.

Earl Davis is a Compassus hospice patient living at Hackett Hill Center, a nursing home in Manchester. Due to his wife’s hospitalization, the couple had not been able to see each other for four months.

Compassus volunteer and Rivier University student Chelsea Gomes overheard Davis speak of his wish to see his wife once more before he passed away. Gomes shared this with her supervisor, Compassus – Bedford Volunteer Coordinator Denise Tarquino, who began working on the request.

“The Compassus team was very eager to reunite Mr. Davis and his wife for Valentine’s Day,” said Tarquino. “We submitted a financial aid request to cover the transportation costs and were so pleased the Hospice Help Foundation approved the funds the very same day.”

On Valentine’s Day, Davis was transported to Elliot Hospital to surprise his wife with a card and chocolates. Gomes and Eunice Mears, a licensed nurse assistant, accompanied him to the hospital.

“It was such a special moment to witness,” said Gomes. “I am so proud to be a part of an organization that cares so much for its patients and families. This experience is something I will always cherish.”

For those interested in learning more about volunteering in hospice, please visit or call (603) 606-7974.